Mothers for Nuclear

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Atomkraft, Ja Tak!

Nuclear Power? Yes, Please!

We had a great discussion about nuclear! Louise and Marina are in politics, and during their campaigns, were often asked hard questions about nuclear energy. They also noticed that often men were asking the questions and men were answering them.

Here, they got the chance to ask Heather all the hard questions, from a woman’s point of view and answered by a female. You can watch the video on YouTube.

Much progress is happening in Denmark recently, and thanks to all the advocates who are working to share the value message of nuclear. The Climate Committee recently voted to launch subcommittee hearing about nuclear power’s potential in Denmark!

Mothers for Nuclear is happy to support expansion of nuclear around the world - please write to us if you’re interested in forming a chapter of MfN or getting help with anything else nuclear- or energy-related!

Kvinderne bag Atomkraft med Heather Hoff fra Mothers for Nuclear samt Louise Østergaard Davidsen og Marina Fløjgaard Andersen fra Moderaterne. Eventet blev afholdt d. 11/01/2023. Der arbejdes lige nu på at starte en dansk afdeling af Mothers For Nuclear, ligesom der er afdelinger i Californien, Canada, England, Tyskland, Østrig og Schweiz. Vil du høre mere om hvordan man kan deltage? Skriv en mail til Heather Hoff på så arrangerer hun et intromøde for interesserede! Der er mange der er med som ikke har børn, der skal være plads til alle. Tak!