A Green New Deal That Works!
Over 11,000 scientists have banded together to declare a climate emergency. Cities and counties across the US are joining suit, along with over 9000 jurisdictions worldwide. In light of such strong focus by media, the public, and governments, more and more people are looking towards nuclear with hope. At the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25), the IAEA said that nuclear power is the only energy source along with hydropower that has demonstrated the capability to decarbonize electricity supply on a national scale, and its value needs to be fully recognized if the world is to solve its climate conundrum.
At Mothers for Nuclear, we are seeing major policy proposals where nuclear energy is hardly mentioned as one of the strategies needed to address climate change. The Green New Deal proposed by AOC is vague generally, but regarding energy, it only mentions renewable sources. We believe that any emissions-reduction policy should include nuclear power, front and center. We now have supporters that believe so strongly in this message that they have helped us to put up a billboard sign in San Francisco.
Over the month that the sign was on display, we received numerous messages from friends, acquaintances, and members of the public. It sure looked beautiful all lit up at night.