SLO Tribune - Why I continue to advocate

For something that is so obviously the right thing to do, why would we not go to extreme lengths, change laws, and even harder, change our minds, in order to support it? I believe we can do this. I still believe in the power of humanity to do hard things in order to protect people and the planet. Not because it’s popular or easy or obvious. Because it’s right.

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Heather HoffComment
Grist - Save the Nukes?

Decades after the previous generation of greens protested to close nuclear reactors, a new generation is beginning to advocate to save those same plants. These activists regard nuclear power – which provides more than half of the country’s clean energy – as a vital asset in the fight against climate change. 

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Heather HoffComment

Heather describes her trajectory as the daughter of an eccentric tinkerer growing up without a flush toilet in the desert in Arizona, to the co-leader of her campus recycling program, to her unexpected employment at Diablo Canyon as a reactor operator and her role as a co-founder of MfN.

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Heather HoffComment