Capital Hill Lemonade Stand to Save Diablo
We went to Sacramento to advocate for continued operation of Diablo Canyon. Sasha helped
Kate helped make signs. We are not only mothers, we are Mothers, Brothers, and Others for Nuclear!
Assembling the lemonade stand - if we used nuclear for desalination, we would have lots of clean water to make more lemonade!
We met some advocates from the Sierra Club. While they can’t speak for Sierra Club on nuclear policy, they were all eager to learn more about nuclear, and supported the general idea of protecting existing large GHG-free electric generators.
We met with Senator Laird. He talked a lot, and didn’t seem very interested that we had in attendance: a seismic design engineer, a plant operator, and an employee from an advanced nuclear company designing reactors capable of using existing nuclear waste as fuel for new reactors to make more clean energy. ;-/
Everyone loves lemonade! It was hot in Sacramento in June!
Jim Hopt is a consistent ally and supporter, working with Generation Atomic and the Citizen’s Climate Lobby to help share important information about nuclear energy.
We picked up ALL the trash when we were done, and left the Capitol lawn cleaner than we found it.